Jerszy Seymour and Andrea Bernal Lopez with Kitty Maria van Ekeren, Jason Harvey, Aurora Brocchi, Anand Hanakoti, Rosmarie Lindstroem, Itzik Gil Avizohar, Nikita Kotilar, Philomena Lauprecht and Dominik Linder.
Functioning both as an end and as a beginning, Sunrise Apocalypse– An Intimate Autonomous Decentralised Choreography is a contemporary performance work as a collision between a living system and the problematic of the human condition as an experimentation and possible pre-configuration into new forms of collective life.
Inspired by the ‘Fight Specific’ workshops of Emanuele Braga and Macao, each performer seeks a ‘specifity’ and ‘intimacy’ with themselves and uses this as material to participate in a performance jam as a post language form of democracy. The question then is what happens when they start to loose their own notion of self?
Video contribution by Ursina Tossi, Sina Rundel and Friederike Höppner.
With the support of Team Orsimanirana: Karla Bauer, Lara Bogan, Nora Kühnhold, Lisa Mersmann, Chinook Ulrich Schneider.